Our Clients
Ads at the right time and in the right place
We reach the right people with the help of the best platforms for buying advertising space in Bulgaria and abroad
Complement your advertising mix with Programmatic advertising
Increase campaign reach and generate additional traffic
Programmatic advertising provides a variety of targeting options – by content, user behavior, device, location. Programmatic advertising can significantly reduce the cost of running an online campaign and increase its effectiveness.
Premium and Native ad formats
Looking for a great range? These are the right campaigns for your brand.
We offer a variety of types of advertising, regardless of the field of your business. Premium banner advertising perfectly complements the marketing mix for recognition and reaching a larger audience with a fixed price per 1000 impressions (CPM), and native ad formats are positioned along with the rest of the author’s content of the media and preserve its style of communication.
Our strength is in diversity
- Criteo
- RTB House
- Taboola
- Programmatic
- Premium
- Native
Tell us about you
Tell us where you are
right now and where you want to
be in the future.
We seek long-term partnerships to enable us to help our clients unlock their brand growth through effective business practices and digital marketing tailored to their needs.